Wednesday, 26 November 2014

starting on christmas

I started on the Christmas dinner application (see earlier post)
So I have spent a couple of hours this evening putting together some wireframes...
I started with pen and paper
A very quick scribble
I've used a pile of wireframing tools at work, but for this I didn't have access to them without paying or turing on the work laptop and at that point I'd end up working.
So I thought I'd see what I could find for free.  Typing "wireframe tool" into google found me I played with this for about 10 minutes before I gave up on it.  I just couldn't get it to do things like adding text, so I looked for something else.
Here I found I really liked this, it was intuitive, easy to use and I managed to put together something that I'm quite pleased with.
Hopefully I'll be able to start working on this tomorrow night but realistically it will probably be over the weekend before I do any more.
Mouth watering

Here's a link to the wireframes in their current state:
If you can see anything that you think really won't work (or an obvious improvement) please shout below.

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