Tuesday 16 December 2014

seconds, minutes and hours

I've managed to spend a couple of hours playing with my app to help me cook Christmas lunch...
I've now enabled editing, and instead of adding time as just seconds it is now input as seconds, minutes and hours.
I'm quite pleased with this evening's progress, and I've started to veer away from the book.  It's been a bit of a struggle, but finally I feel as though I really am getting there.
As ever if you want to see and play the app is currently here:
And the latest github commits here:
Of course anything could happen when next I pick up the laptop...

My next few of steps are:

  • Be able to mark steps as done or not
  • Have steps belong to a "meal"
  • Determine the start time based on a provided final time
  • Have steps depend on other steps
After that we get into the real fun of making it pretty. I suspect that due to taking some nights off and spending time last night playing with adsense (which it appears is still waiting for a second verification). I'll not quite hit my target of tomorrow night for everything being "working but not pretty", but I'll be close (provided I get to play tomorrow night).  Oh and I still haven't decided what "so you want to" topic I'll choose for tomorrow, I'll probably go with "so you want to build a website..."

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