Tuesday 16 December 2014


I mentioned that I was thinking of adding google's adsense ads to the blog, which I've now done (and you should be seeing).

I've worked with the internet for a large number of years and although most of it appears to be funded today by ads, it's not an area I've ever touched on.  I'm not really expecting to make much (any) money off of these, it was partially an exercise in learning what happens and how they work.  It's been interesting so far (and was the reason I played with and then messed up my dns).

The how to in the setting up area is really quite good and it's very quick from submitting a request to getting a response (both positive and negative).  Interestingly I don't see the ads in a browser that I'm signed into but it seems to imply that I have some limited control over what gets shown so it could all get interesting.

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